Our written school reports are carefully prepared to provide an accurate and objective reflection of each student’s progress and achievements. Our teachers use a range of assessment methods to ensure that the information is fair, balanced, and reflective of each learner’s abilities. We are committed to maintaining transparency and providing meaningful feedback to support your child’s ongoing development.
Assessment of student progress is undertaken continuously throughout the year. Assessments include: standardised tests, formal testing, such as NAPLAN, pre- and post-testing for units of work and student self-assessment.
Student Progress Reports are essential for improving student outcomes. These include:
- Two Learning in Partnership meetings (LIPs)- one in each of the two semesters. Students are encouraged to attend.
- Two written reports – one for each of the two semesters
- Parent/Teacher meetings on a needs basis. You are welcome to make an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss his/her progress.
- NAPLAN reports sent home to parents of Year 3 and Year 5 students